
We rely on websites to check the news and weather forecast, 这是皇冠官网网站找活动参加的方式, 以及皇冠官网网站如何与家人和朋友联系. We intentionally want to make sure our websites  are accessible.

具体地说, all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students need to be able to access course material on Canvas, 无论能力如何. This means that faculty must ensure their Canvas courses are structured and accessible.

Luckily, the web also provides tools to help us make websites accessible to a wider audience. 在操作指南中探索这些资源.

你知道吗?? As of March 2022, Auraria图书馆 has 10,906 printed resources and 121,403,106 online.

Making Canvas and Websites Accessible: 什么不起作用

The following list consists of the most common issues that make web and social media content inaccessible 以及如何避免它们的快速步骤:

  • Providing non-text materials without a text alternative; images, video, audio, and other non-text content are inaccessible without a text alternative
    • 相反:提供文本描述, 标题, 成绩单, 或者非文本材料旁边的其他文本
  • Providing directions that rely on sensory characteristics; phrases like “to the right” or “the blue circle” have little or no value for students using screen readers
    • Instead: use the specific name of an element and its location in comparison to other elements
  • Using images of text (exception: logo types); including text as an image creates an unnecessary layer of inaccessibility
    • Instead: remove the image and replace it with text
  • Using color or underline as the only means of conveying meaning or importance; visual indicators are inaccessible to many readers
    • Instead: use programmatically determinable styles and labels to support visual indicators.
  • 使用成语, 俗语, or jargon outside of topic specific terminology; language that is unclear, 模糊的, or irrelevant can create a barrier for many readers.
    • Instead: use clear and precise language appropriate for the anticipated knowledge level of the reader.
    • Idioms and 俗语 for stylistic purposes should be defined for clarity.
  • 将链接显示为完整的url, 模棱两可的单词, or repetitive phrases; using language such as “click here” makes links difficult to identify for all readers, and full URLs are difficult to for almost everyone to read.
    • Instead: use short phrases that indicate the purpose or destination of the link
    • Exception: Physical documents need full URLs; the purpose of the URL should be indicated within the context, and some URLs may need to be shortened for full accessibility.


你知道吗?? There are around 3,000 pages on the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 website alone.




  • WebAIM(无障碍网页) has been providing web accessibility tools since 1999.  They are one of the leading providers of web accessibility expertise internationally.
  • WCAG 2(网页内容易读性指引) have been developed in cooperation with individuals and 组织 around the world, with the goal of providing a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, 组织, 国际上的政府.

Connect with the 教学的可访问性 Group

Improve your instructional accessibility through the IAG live trainings, 对单个材料进行访问检查, 或者课程回顾.
