Click on the appropriate area of study for information about the kinds of majors that are available and the math courses appropriate for those majors.


BEFORE YOU REGISTER: Talk to an advisor in your degree program to ensure that you are taking the proper math course.

Which course should I take for my major?

How do I get to Calculus?

Calculus I (MTH 1410) requires either:

  • College Algebra for Calculus (MTH 1110, 1111, or 1109) and College Trigonometry (MTH 1120),
  • Precalculus (MTH 1400)

If a student has already taken College Algebra and Trigonometry, it is not necessary to take Precalculus.

AAF Accuplacer options

Students may be able to test into Calculus I (MTH 1410) using the AAF Accuplacer test. A score of 290 or higher on that test, plus permission of the Math & Stats department chair, is required.

Any student who scores 290 or higher on the AAF Accuplacer should contact [email protected] for next steps.

College Algebra Through Modeling options

Some students will take College Algebra Through Modeling (MTH 1112 or 1115), followed by College Trigonometry (MTH 1120). This combination is not a sufficient prerequisite for Calculus I.

Any student who has completed MTH 1112 and MTH 1120 should contact [email protected] for Calculus placement options.

Math Course Prerequisites

Math Placement Testing

Course Descriptions


For General Studies Math advising,

Schedule an appointment in SSC Navigate
Visit for advisor contact information

Connect with Us

Have a question? We can answer it!

Whether you have a question about a prerequisite, need help registering for a class, or you want to chat about what a Mathematics & Statistics degree can do for you, we are here to help. Click below to send us an email!

Email Us



Office Location:

Main Office: Science Building, Suite 1022  (SI 1022)

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
1150 12th St.
Denver, CO  80204

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