来自总统珍妮·戴维森博士的信息.D. and Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Michael Benitez Jr., Ph.D.





去年春末, in response to the murder of George Floyd 和 tumultuous events that unfolded in the months that followed, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 leadership expressed several public commitments – including those from the 总统办公室多样性和包容性办公室 和 校董会 – to engage in the anti-racism work necessary to create systemic change. 皇冠官网网站的信息很简单:作为路跑者, we would not simply make statements condemning systematic racism and injustice; we were committed to action and ensuring that meaningful change took place.

We recognize that our engagement in this work is not finished. 已经取得了进展,但还有更多工作要做. 皇冠官网网站承诺继续推进, to do our part and to lead efforts where possible to dismantle the greater systems of discrimination that negatively impact our community. 牢记这些责任, we believe it is prudent to take inventory of the many diversity, 公平与包容 initiatives that have taken place at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 over the past year, to acknowledge those who have joined and led these efforts, 并确定剩下的工作.


  • 高等教育多元化峰会: The conference featured keynotes and faculty-development workshops focused on sparking meaningful conversations about anti-racism in higher education and diversity, 科罗拉多州的社会公正和包容性卓越.
  • President’s Speaker Series featuring Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D.: Dr. 希尔借鉴了前乔治亚州美国总统奥巴马的遗产.S. 代表. John Lewis to promote community-building amid the chaos of the 2020 election.
  • 终身教职晚餐俱乐部: This program provides tenure-track faculty members of color with a space for support 和 intellectual and structural tools necessary to increase their capacity to earn tenure.
  • Association of College and University Educators Inclusive Teaching Cohort: This yearlong course provided faculty members with guidance on fostering student engagement, recognizing and addressing student concerns and creating inclusive classrooms.
  • Anti-Racism Training for Student Teaching Assistants, 学习助理, 补充指导领导和教师: Led by 本科 Studies in collaboration with faculty and staff members from the Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy, 这些工作坊提供了, 拉斯维加斯, SIs and faculty members with trainings and resources geared toward designing and delivering an anti-racist learning experience.
  • 音乐,种族和社会正义系列: The Department of Music 和 多样性和包容性办公室 presented the Virtual 访问ing Artist Series on Music, 种族与社会正义, a yearlong series highlighting the work of BIPOC musicians, performers and scholars focusing on how their music intersects with racial-justice issues.
  • 校董会 Sustainable Racial Justice Committee 听会话: These sessions provided an opportunity for trustees to hear from students and faculty members on issues related to diversity, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的公平和包容.
  • 多元化、公平和包容委员会: Developed and convened by the 多样性和包容性办公室, DEIC负责审查多样性, inclusion and equity issues at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 with respect to policy and practice from multiple perspectives and across different functionalities.
  • 公平、多元化和包容性证书: Currently in its preliminary stages for consideration, this ongoing effort is aimed at building a certificate program focused on providing learning, 与多样性相关的发展和培训, 公平与包容.
  • 密歇根州立大学丹佛体育系: 密歇根州立大学丹佛 体育运动 held monthly DEI workshops with coaches and staff, who have also led their own discussions with their teams focused on social justice and inclusion.
  • 皇冠体育官网处: 皇冠体育官网处聘请了 西部教育公平中心 to facilitate an anti-racism professional-development and action-planning process; created a full-time position to coordinate the Brother-to-Brother 通过 多元文化参与与包容中心, along with four part-time graduate-assistant positions geared toward supporting students of color; launched an equitable-hiring倡议; drafted unit-specific anti-racism action plans; supported the creation of the 奥瑞亚警察局社区咨询委员会; employed a zero-based budget process to ensure equity in program budgets across branch enrollment, 职业生涯, engagement and wellness and equity programs; formed a new partnership through the C2 Hub with Activate Workforce Solutions and Colorado Concern that will provide fellowship opportunities to students of color in the 文理学院; and is working to revise the Student Code of Conduct through an anti-racist lens with the Dean of Students Office.
  • 密歇根州立大学丹佛基金会: Our Foundation has transitioned to a new investment-management firm that is women- and minority-owned and focuses on DEI-informed investment strategies.


This list highlights just some of the many actions taken across the University. We are proud of the strides we have made and will continue to press forward in this important work. 本着这种精神, we will track our efforts on the 多样性和包容性办公室 webpage so we can continually provide updates to the University community and encourage engagement and collaboration. 确保多样性, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的公平和包容 on our way to lasting systemic change remains our focus, 皇冠官网网站将共同实现这些目标.




Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Michael Benitez Jr., Ph.D.